The 9 members of the London Spring 2019 cohort that attended the Q5 interactive informational meeting had a blast. Often the impression that consulting firms working for big corporations and in a variety of sectors seems one noted and impersonal, but some members of the cohort were surprised by how wrong that assumption was regarding the ways Q5 operates.
They are relatively small, work in teams and employ tactics other firms do not put much emphasis on, setting them apart remarkably in the field. We got to learn about the unique ways this consultancy uses strategic communications for change, and the various aspects we must understand behind using these strategies to get to our end goal.
They are a consulting agency that is dedicating to the progress and prosperity of their clients. A key tool they used to show us how to reflect on our value system (an element in helping a client create a narrative and envision the change they seek) was asking us questions about how we see the future of our work. These were tough questions but were an excellent way to probe a deeper look at ones sense of integrity and expectations in work.
I’ve never been to an informative meeting to learn about an organization, and having left and learned way more about myself too.
Sarah Nuamah
a senior in Annenberg studying communication and marketing. I am highly interested in the various ways information is conveyed for different types of people and situations. I am vert attracted to global and cross cultural perspectives and how the divergent and intersections of these perspectives influence the communication used around us. I’m also really inspired by the ways communities and organizations self identify and craft their narratives. Global trends and communication styles motivate me to always think of the bigger picture. That’s why I’m here in London; to experience first hand these distinctions in cultural communication styles.